Less progress than desired
After several minutes of reflection, I realized that my life worked well, but only because I had no need for entrepreneurial effort. If my daily bread depended on my growing the grain, shaping the loaf and warming the oven, I’d be a hungry lad. Or skinnier. The possibilities are interesting.
This poster is also a point of view. No less accurate, no less correct. “I wake up every day planning to be productive and the a quiet voice in my head says ‘Ha, ha! Good one!‘ and we laugh and laugh and take a nap“. I’m too lazy to cite the original author, but you probably expected no less. My ancestors were tough. Consider the bread. They fulfilled the requirements, over and over again. As it says on the shampoo bottle: “Apply. Rinse. Repeat”. And after a half-century or so, the bread became someone else’s job, and you curled up and died. The history of mankind, in a single sentence.
Enough idle chatter about productivity.
Tomorrow, this province will also stop being productive. The construction industry is faced with a general strike/lockout (depends on who is wearing the blame t-shirt). No road works. No heavy hammering on building site. No arena. That alone will raise the threshold for chatter, but it won’t be idle. The mayor has already promised to see those involved “manger une maudite“. Idle threats for idle workers. Not the first (or last) time we’ve had similar rhetoric from the little guy. How long until the municipal elections? Will they be delayed by a general strike? No… good.