Missed it by that much
Proof that watching movies in “first release” is highly over-rated: I finally watched Get Smart this afternoon. Yes, a few years after everyone else, but the gags don’t come with a best before date. And my “vaccination” is still good from my years of watching the original Get Smart, TV version. Now for the answer to the real question… yes, Barbara Feldon outclasses Anne Hathaway. The old secret agent business never gets old.
Enough movie/TV criss-cross. I’m trying to ignore an itchy throat, which is the kinder, gentler version of a sore one. Annoying, just the same. No desire to get into the whole “over the counter” self-medication scene. Better that I sleep the evening away.
Took another look at the antique guitar amp this afternoon. No joy. I hate to put such a veteran to the curb, but there’s no real reason to seek out a repair depot. Once stuff like this hits a 40th anniversary, the warranty service is marginal. Seriously. If I made my life “playing in a rock ‘n roll band”, and our market involved boomers (exclusively), I might be less judgmental. This one is better suited to the provincial government’s plan to allow death to those who want it (or something like that). The minister in charge swears that the euthanasia title won’t apply.
The turban war is over. Too late for the players, who have missed the registration window for this season. Funny how things just go “wronger” when the government of the day gets involved.