Measured heating
There’s no sense in waiting for a cold snap before shopping for new electric baseboard heaters, I always say. No, really, I always say stuff like that, in the hope that I can distract the other person. Thus avoiding a trip to the huge hardware store. Didn’t work.
With the thermometer up to 104 F to the south, and local mercury levels reassuring the seasonal assessment (yup; still summer), I found myself actually asking the clerk where I could find the baseboard heating section. He didn’t even flinch: dealing with lunatics is probably part of the new employee training session.
Turns out that he doesn’t have the model that I have lived with in our washroom for more than two decades. Nor does he foresee using his time machine to go back and manufacture me a new one. I now have the option of enlarging the space behind the toilet (we don’t need that tub, honey), or sanding and repainting the outer sheet metal, while pretending that my natural posture is pretzelish (score another word invention for my side).
Maybe if I wait until the cold weather returns, the baseboard industry will take pity and create a new product line just for me.
On other fronts, today I gave two used bicycles to the nice people at Velo-Vert, thus assuring my place in ecological heaven. Our basement is less dangerous to navigate under cover of darkness, and the flat tire ratio has dropped below the critical level for the first time in months. I had to provide all the carry and slog in the deal, but I feel so much better now!