Not going mining
After a suitable period of reflection, I have decided not to change careers. The possibility of getting into Bitcoin mining seemed like a great idea, at first. However… several factors influenced my final decision.
Watching a computer WORK requires effort. I speak from years of experience. Telling those around me that I’m doing “updates” doesn’t explain the glazed look on my face. And there’s the heat. If I had control over the HVAC in my office, I could rack down the ambient temperature, but that responsibility has been given to people of a certain age and hormonal profile. And after watching (again, it’s work) the constant fluctuation in value on the world stage, the currency offers little chance of getting rich really quickly (or fast). Finally, the Canadian government now considers the transactions to be taxable. Nothing like making real money from my imaginary money.
A recent program showed me how making my own bicycle wheels will require WAY more equipment than I have around the house. Maybe new rims seem like an expensive whim, but I wouldn’t miss the squeal of a brake pad catching on a bump. New rims would preclude that situation – for a few minutes on the very first day. Roads around here are not textbook examples of fine paving. It goes beyond “a few bumps” and settles into “like going down a mountainside, without the grade”. Rimwreck.
Whatever else happens, my newest ebook reader will be there to instruct and entertain. The detail of my old cover (from reader #1) fitting well is proof that somewhere, somebody pities my financial status.