Inverted bushel baskets
Following a catered luncheon, I feel more appreciated. One year from now, I’ll be even more content. Seriously, the food was good and the speeches were short. All you can ask for, right?
Now that Canada also catches incompetent terrorists (something about a plot to make a train derail, somewhere, sometime), we’re in the big leagues. Or, as some would have it, we now understand the financial implications of security theatre. Get ready to have your patience tested, in a travel queue near you.
Looks like I might have a buyer for my other digital recorder. No profit, but stuff in a drawer doesn’t add value. Didn’t the Bible have that as a parable? A warning not to hide stuff under a bushel basket? That one confuses me, because no farmer puts produce in an upside-down container. And if you’ve been capturing small animals with the proverbial squirrel trap: stop it. Now.
Hey, the temperature reached 15C (28C according to the sign at the pizza place; they might want to have that thermometer calibrated). Soon be able to put the polar liner aside. In the pool, the ice disk moves, and I’m ready to declare spring as being really, really close. The temporary garage folding competitions are underway, up and down the block.
In France, the protests have turned violent. This time, the trigger is a new law permitting same-sex marriage. It doesn’t take much to get the riot games going, over there. Guess that the dustup in 1789 has left the population believing they control something. How delusional is that?