16th April 2013

My fraud is bigger than your fraud

posted in economy |

The local geek show on cable TV has suggested that I should be keeping my webcam covered up. Am I that scary to look at?

Yes, I know that the nefarious can control a computer from afar (under certain specific conditions). Given my own experience with remote assistance, they must be among the most patient individuals on the planet. Geek saints. No matter how you connect…

Watching a consumer program that showed how you can commit fraud with a credit card terminal (under certain specific conditions). This differs from the banking industry who are able to defraud Joe Average, 24/7. Have you looked at the profits, quarterly, from some all of the chartered banks? The old joke was that they had a license to print money. The reality is that they have exactly that. Somehow, the rip-off artist who purchases a pair of sneakers on that cloned plastic is overshadowed by the big boys.

One of the popular TV shows in Quebec, scheduled in early prime time, rates as a soap opera. This year, we’re in a secondary school, where every student has a psychological baggage that overflows the backpack. Kind of funny to watch; mainly because those of us who work in the field of education realize that the program is larger than life. Any school with that level of professional intervention would self destruct, in a cloud of behavioral codes. And don’t blame it on Montreal!

Hey, the city finally knows who has been raining nickel (not nickels) on the parade. To the general stupefaction of the authorities, it IS the company that loads powdered nickel from ships to trains in the port area. ‘Nuf said.


This entry was posted on Tuesday, April 16th, 2013 at 19:59 and is filed under economy. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. | 274 words. Both comments and pings are currently closed.

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