Ending another calendar year
With only a few hours to run before I have to hang some new calendars, I guess some retrospective is necessary.
First of all, the Mayan prophecy was wrong. Based on my own life as a translator, no surprise. Dictionaries are not infallible sources of “this equals that”. My interpretation of healthy, wealthy and wise can be interpreted as follows. My health is good, which means that I’m wise enough to accept not being (particularly) wealthy.
This was not a year for travel to new territories; my imperial efforts of 2011 didn’t recur. I did revisit familiar places, and that old dodge about how you can’t go back is wrong. However, while visiting my ‘high school’ town, I saw nobody that had ever shared a classroom with me, which means that the others got out alive.
During the last week, I was photographed with my siblings, and my own children were in the same room together (today). Peace reigned.
The new dog has started to find his own corner in our lives. Imagine, a canine that likes camping and car trips, but is a total failure at “home alone”. A simple wish for the new year would be that the dog accept hugs without that “shake off the water” move.
I continued to enjoy music, literature, cinema – a second time around. Lots of revisiting familiar material (is that a sign of old age, or maturity?) The ebook reader, personal music player and cable TV subscriptions are among my prized possessions. I did add to my toy pile, with new photo gear and radio gear, and I have an appreciation for SDR that didn’t exist a year ago. Kit building isn’t a lost art. I want to retire from the workforce, to have fun with my toys. A second childhood?
And finally, I did get a cellphone. I don’t use it to actually talk to anyone, but the web is available on the city bus. Progress.