A guy’s night kind of meal
A busy time for the postal people. I guess. Otherwise, I have no explanation for the alarming absence of packages in my mailbox. Stuff that should arrive before a circled date on my calendar, and that hasn’t. Still a week to run, so I’m not going to get frantic about things, but here’s hoping that Monday is a special day.
And with a full work week to run before the “long awaited holiday season”, I need stamina. Five more long, fun-filled days in my cubicle. Oh, the pressure!
We had a really good supper, one designed for carnivores. Great steaks, shrimp, an interesting sauce with fungi and onions, a disregard for the Canadian food guide (no veggies, no ‘taters). Although others may wag their fingers, and ‘diss’ the decision, it was delicious.
Another school massacre today, in Connecticut. And another, in China. Is there something wrong with the universe? And in rebuttal to the idiots on the CNN comment list – no, supplying arms to classroom teachers would not be a sane response.
I’ve got to get back to work on my SDR projects.
And my music.
In fact, the list of things that I have to get back to is growing. That’s not good.
The election robocall case is before the federal courts, finally. In their defense, representatives of one party (which will remain nameless) are fighting in a manner befitting ‘devils in a font of holy water”. Something about their fundamental religious beliefs, no doubt. When you have little moral fibre,..