Recalitrant grills and a whole lot of history
This afternoon, the cycle racing was out of Montreal. Not exactly Tour de France, although some of the same players were in the saddle. What caught my eye was the wonderful way that a flat tire gets changed in under a minute. If we could extend that service to “the rest of us”, cycling would take off!. Do the math: how many bicycles are sidelined for weeks, after a flat, in the average household? Now, you understand.
Autumn brings on a feast of spectator sports. Yesterday, university football. Today, cycling. Tomorrow? It doesn’t matter, because I’ll be back at work, and the administration frowns on TV in the office. Computers are OK.
With a lot of patience and a stubby screwdriver, I managed to remove the last of the window grills (in preparation for the Big Change). Screws tend to be stubborn after a quarter century. It seems like only yesterday that we saw footsteps in the snow, panicked, and called in a wrought iron worker from the area. No burglaries, since. Is there a relation? Perhaps. My big question is whether the same grills are going to fit the new windows.
Caught a documentary about Jerusalem this afternoon. An attempt to timeline the various changes in governance, and the effect on monument construction and rock worship. Not many other cities can claim to as much petty warfare. And for the record, the story isn’t over. Living history, for want of a better name. If someone offered me a guided tour, I’d opt in. As long as they sent everyone else away beforehand.