My view of the Hilltop celebrations
I have to go with what I see here. After watching the Canada Day celebrations (afternoon version) from the Hill, I want to mention that our current G-G is a hands-on kind of guy. You know, out in front, shaking hands, saying hello to the “commoners”. Our current prime minister… not so much. Although, for the record, his suit jacket has been buttoned AND verified.
It must be very hard to decide who gets the nod to appear before the cameras. Politically correct choices, in every sense. Right gender mix, right language mix. Canadians are a hard lot to please. There are limits. Didn’t Rocky V score his career goals (musically) a generation ago? And although the Simple Plan is simple enough, it doesn’t fit in with what the youth of Canada have downloaded to their personal music devices.
If I don’t get distracted by something else, I’ll check out the evening show (starts in ten minutes, so the distraction had better come along right about now). My three dipole centers are now wired and ready for action… I should have made a better choice for hookup wire, and the symmetry is not quite there, but these are meant to serve in “the field”.
Son #2 hasn’t told us much about his travels, so far. If you happen to be reading, this is a carefully veiled cry for news from those of us at home. Another few days and I’ll be on the road. I promise to be chattier.
And with that, it’s time to close this post, get it up to the server and then find a chair for the music and fireworks.