Sudden snow removal
I need distraction. Something more meaningful than a warmed up plateful of leftovers from the fridge and a second load of laundry. Man, it’s only Monday. This week is taking a long time to get to goal.
I could go into the city and play Carnaval, but I am unwilling to spend $13 for a tiny “hang me from your coat” plastic doll. When did the prices on those go crazy. Should have paid more attention through the years. Missed saying hello to Rick Mercer; he was in town to try rowing across an icy river. Didn’t need me as a hangashore, when he was doing what he called “the most physically difficult task I’ve ever attempted”. Guess I’ll be waiting for the TV show, to see if he made it to the other side. Wait until he finds out that we now have bridges and regular ferry service.
Knocked some of the snow down from above the front door. Not nearly as disastrous as the attempt over at the university campus. They strapped a team of professionals into a cherrypicker, allowed them to swat the edge of the snow built up on the edge of the new arena roof and then got the bejeezus scared out of those on site when “a thousand metres cubed” of accumulation came down at once. Elsewhere, it’s referred to as an avalanche. Here…
The company responsible for the job has withheld comment, but one of the three “lucky shovelers” admitted that it was his first snow removal job, ever. All easy from here on in, methinks.