19th January 2012

Suddenly darker

posted in technology |

Due to obligations forced by public transit, I am an early riser. Get up while it’s still dark outside. Today, I was up when it got darker.

As usual, I came to before the alarm went off. Part of an aversion to alarms, going back to my time in student residence, where my alarm clock was so obnoxious that my roomie shot it. Long story, for another time (maybe). Anyhow, I had my coffee ration made (three cups; one for me, two for my new friend Thermos), when the kitchen light flickered and then went out. Along with all the other lights in the whole neighbourhood. Dark, and quiet.

Doesn’t happen much around here, what with those huge dams in the north part of the province that give us a steady access to cheap energy. I’m easily surprised, yet very focused at that hour. Especially since my clock went out, and the question “What time is it NOW?” started. First trick, find a candle and a way to light it. Second trick, find a radio with something other than batteries that need to be recycled. Yes, I forgot to check my emergency supplies, and had to seek that flashlight that is somewhere in tbe bottom of my backpack which is over by the end of the table, usually.

I finally put my VHF transceiver into service (it also tunes local FM), and learned that I was part of a group of some two thousand homeowners thrown into the 18th century. Not to worry. All will be back in order just as soon as the Hydro crew find the problem point. And with that reassurance, I lit a couple of candles for the others and headed off to the main part of the city.

Note to self: plan for the next time before it actually gets here.


This entry was posted on Thursday, January 19th, 2012 at 20:48 and is filed under technology. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. | 302 words. Both comments and pings are currently closed.

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