18th January 2012

Running through the checklist

posted in humour |

Every once in a while, a person should take a few minutes to check out personal progress. In life, I mean. Complete a short checklist. Consider what you would tell an old friend, if you wanted to provide a little catchup on the “lost years”.

Things are going OK, here. I still have the same number of body parts as the last time we met. No need to loan me any bones or organs, old buddy. I’ve kept the physical part under control; still have my hair, if that matters. Makes it easier to recognize me, should we decide to meet up in a public venue. I hate carrying a sign with my name scrawled on it.

At work, I’m still at the same old place. My rank in the list of people who will someday retire is increasing; I’m about to enter the Top Ten, if I’ve guessed the age of a few people correctly. Yes, my cubicle is smaller, but my spirits remain high. Less effort to clean off my desktop, once a year. A few new responsibilities, but the pay grade remains, for lack of a better word, stagnant. Which means I’m not any richer, but I promise not to hit you up for a loan. Benefit of our long-term friendship.

I’m still learning new tricks. Nothing flamboyant; I still can’t juggle or yodel, but I’m not forgetting much (yet). We should get together, soon. Limit risk. If you ask me about the kids, I promise not to talk your ear off. I’ll just bring them along, and let them blow their own horns (they’re musical!)

I guess that I’m mildly optimistic. I’ve still not been arrested, nor have I become a politician. Makes my mother proud. Look forward to hearing how things have gone for you.


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