14th January 2012

Classics of rock and roll

posted in music |

In the cold of winter, the knock comes on the door. Bring out your money, because you need to buy a candle in a box. Indeed, another Bougie, to prepare us for the arrival of Carnaval. Inflation in place, I spent $10 for a small red candle with an implied dream. If it shows green inside, I’m one of the rare, lucky ones.

Alas, in a scene reminiscent of Moonfleet, I waited while the wax was consumed by a flickering flame; after the time suggested on the box which serves as the base I still had a red center. No big prize for this household in 2012.

An evening of musical nostalgia, thanks to PBS. The Ed Sullivan Rock And Roll Classics. I remember them all. Let’s be fair; kids have always dressed with a sense of “look how badly I can dress for the public”. Some of the jackets and shirts were enough to make you wish for radio in a world of TV.

But, the music is as good as ever. Colour me easy to please, but the Animals, The Union Gap, Gerry and the Pacemakers. I’d go to see them even now. No rap implied. Just the twang of the guitar, the minimalism of drummers that simply kept a beat, the keyboards that pretended to be “just like” their ecclesiastic cousins in the cathedrals. Thank you, public TV, for keeping the memories alive in a world dominated by praying quarterbacks.

We’re dogsitting today, and I’m watched, constantly. I’m not that sloppy at eating, hound!


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