13th January 2012

In praise of the lowly muffin

posted in food |

Forced to stay within budget, yet driven to be a connoisseur of something. What to do? First rule: pick a work that you can spell. I didn’t realize that English and French had different words. I mean, they have different words for everything, as put by one pundit, but I resorted to Google in time of need. There. Confession is good for the soul.

Back to my original thread. I’ve decided to go with commercially baked muffins.

Actually, for such a mundane bakery product, I’ve surprised by the depth and variety of product offered locally. Remember, this is a budget item, and I’ve limited myself (for dietary reasons) to one (or two) per day. I’m too busy (synonym for lazy) to prepare my own, so I’ve been making the rounds. Groceries, coffee shops, the occasional handout at work.

My closest grocery offers two or three styles. Preference lies with the oversized, double-whammy chocolate ones. The difficulty is that the shelf life, before they get rock hard, is limited to a couple of days. The store also offers smaller, less interesting ones that have to be squeezed into balls before eating, lest I win the crumbler award. I don’t choose my poison always.

The coffee shops have the corner on good, but the price is much higher. Double, nay triple. They do come with their own paper bags, and if I run out of food at home I can detour between buses. A selling point. I’m experiencing a penchant for raisins with bran.

And then there’s great. From the Tim Horton chain, I believe, but only available when there’s a morning meeting at work. And then only if I’m either invited or in scavenge mode. Not a dependable resource.

Good, better, best. Never let it rest, until the muffin is mine.

This entry was posted on Friday, January 13th, 2012 at 20:50 and is filed under food. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. | 294 words. Both comments and pings are currently closed.

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