Suffering from calendar deprivation
Funny how the national weather service has different standards for different regions. Take Toronto, which is under an extreme cold warning today. Oddly, it’s a full ten degrees cooler here, but we’re just fine and dandy. We’ve discovered the toque/tuque, and mittens, and the scarf that was in the back of the closet for days like today. Maybe we should send gifts to the citizens of our largest city, before they freeze in the dark of winter.
I was out today, playing taxi for the kid and the dog. The mutt was a side trip and pickup, and I had to remember to bring her favourite toys and blanket. More trouble than the kid, come to think of it. Although she does show a greater degree of appreciation. Even steven. Like I say, she’s a loaner (unlike the kid, who is permanent).
The local TV station is still discussing the contents of the Bye Bye from last Saturday evening. Much more introspection and they’ll be required to add it into the lineup for next year’s effort. Unless, of course, 2012 is the end of time (as deduced from the Mayan calendar that doesn’t even have proper spaces to write down the things to do next week). We’re still calendar deprived, but the local MP (NDP) did send a microform model in the free mail. Yes, it comes with a pre-punched nail hole for wall mounting. No, the spaces aren’t big enough to put anything more than a mark… like the Mayan effort.
Maybe, tomorrow, I’ll head on over to the local bookstore and see if I can score a fancy, full-colour affair that has been suitably reduced in price.