Wish I could tag a moose
Just another rainy day. A chance to do some laundry, watch a really good movie, stay in a state of low energy output. A holiday, but a worker’s holiday. That’s how it goes.
The movie was unexpected. Indigènes, dealing with the odd place of citizens from the north of Africa in the greater French picture, during WW2. Proof that a uniform doesn’t make men equal. Actually, an aspect of the colonial mentality which has “come home to roost” in the brave new world.
We dodged a bullet, here in the tiny house we call home. Something to do with a student employee needing accommodation. Not a student, not an employee. Maybe, some day… for now, though, we won’t be setting an extra place at the table.
I’ve just realized that I need coffee money for tomorrow. Better try and find that sack of loose change that I kept in the car all summer. Otherwise, tomorrow will be a long day.
Watched a Rick Mercer episode (on the web) where he went for a helicopter ride in Gros Morne National Park to tag moose. How come I missed that attraction. I’ve never been up in a helicopter, and I’ve never tranquilized a moose. Didn’t realize there was an option. Now I know, and I’m jealous. Come on CBC, I want to play cowboy. I can learn! I work for less than top-ranked CanCon talent. Call me.
Summer is over, just so you know. We’re not going to have any more long weekends until it comes time to winterize the pool and stow the lawn tools. We’re starting on that long lead up to a new year.