Important words, if anyone is listening
Last Saturday, Dr. David Suzuki spoke in Charlottetown. Last night, he spoke in Quebec City. Unfortunately I wasn’t in the audience for either event, but the media did present a synopsis that will have to suffice. I believe he had important words, if anyone is listening.
The evidence of global warming has moved beyond the anecdotal. More and more credible scientists have added their voices to the chorus. Unfortunately, the oil industry is funding a counterpoint performance. The example of Wayne Gretzky learning on a rink in his back yard in Ontario, where a similar rink can no longer be maintained. The example of politicians that claim the targets of the Kyoto Accord can no be met, except in Quebec where they ARE being met. The example of the sceptical media that are starting to “change their tune”. Each one of us now needs to join the chorus.
I’m not any more environmentally aware than anyone else, but I want to point out that the message is not new, or banal. From my copy of the Pollution Probe book, purchased for a course back in the early 1970’s, through years as a bicycle commuter, to a “bus rider” for the last two decades; I’ve been a listener. I don’t think things are “gonna’ get better” all by themselves.
We’ve worked at reducing damage to the ozone layer; remember spray-on deodorants. We’ve worked at improving the quality of water in our lakes and rivers; remember the “power of phosphate in detergent” (it seems like that one was resolved a lifetime ago). We now need to concentrate on reducing our personal share of greenhouse gas emissions. Think 20-ton challenge, even if the current government saw fit to remove funding. Think…