4th August 2011

May I recommend the Bubbly Bake?

posted in travel |

A confession: we didn’t make it home last night. Distracted by the company we were keeping, and the offer of an extra bed, we decided to skip the long drive back under moonless skies, and slept in a real bed. Just because.

As penance, I drank hot coffee before going to the annual Paderno Blowout sale. Scored that 14 L stock pot that’s been on my list for years, and promised to abandon the dented aluminum antique I’ve been using. Sacrifice, by any other name. Actually, to escape the temptations offered in that arena with less that $200 in new debt was a positive thing.

From time to time, I like to brag about a good meal. Either prepared by yours truly, or by professionals. Today is no exception.

Our party of seven arrived at the Windows On The Water restaurant in downtown Montague, and we were shown to an (almost) private dining room on the second floor. A magnificent view of the river, and a meal to remember. My personal choice of chowder followed by a seafood bubbly bake with rice Pilaf may turn out to be one of the better ones this year. Nothing but praise for the location, the presentation and the flavor of their plates from all present. Yes, I skipped dessert, for those who keep track.

And to finish the evening, a shift north to the Kaylee Hall in Poole’s Corner. The concert was nominally Fiddlers’ Sons with Courtney Hogan; added to the list were Teresa Doyle and Todd McLean, as well as the whole Belsher family. I hadn’t seen that group in years; they’re aging well. A full house who listened attentively – that too is a welcome change.



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