Crowd control by tap control
And now we wait. Will the new face of law and order prevail, or will the traditional face of the holiday persist? A heady show, to watch from a distance.
This is the night of Quebec’s favourite party. Le Saint Jean. A rite of passage for youth, where the invitation to an all night party in a park, (lubricated with your own selection of beverage) has been the real sign of summer’s arrival for decades. There’s even a bonfire, should S’Mores be on the list of things to eat. I’ve never gone – too old, too shy. The reputation has preceded the occasion.
However, the mayor hates when something doesn’t have his imprimateur. Don’t quote me, please. He hates when others mention his personality disorder.
This year will be different. He has told us so, going so far as to prepare a television/radio/social media campaign where he serves as the (off-camera) spokesperson. A ring has been set in place, made up from fine steel fences and best law and order you can buy with a complete police force. Zero tolerance for open beer, unless you’ve purchased it from an authorized city vendor.
Too bad, for one store owner who operates a legal business within the ring. Yes, beer can be sold. No, it can’t be removed from the store, nor left there, nor consumed in situ. By extension, zero competition for the mayor’s latest enterprise.
If the weather is on his side, the rowdies will stay home, out of fear of rain showers. If the weather turns nice, and the rowdies turn nasty, it could be a memorable evening. Only time will tell.