23rd January 2007

Saved penny is earned penny

posted in economy, environment |

Benjamin Franklin is credited with the phrase “A penny saved is a penny earned”. Well, today I have done well. A master shopper. Let me take a bow, I’ve earned the right.

It started out innocently; as I drove son #1 to his long-suffering math class, the van dinged out its cry of freedom. Never let a gas station pass me by, or you will be a pedestrian. The price of gasoline has slipped again today, down to 87 cents per litre, corrected to 15 degrees because we live in the cold north. I’m sure there is a more scientific reason, but who cares. I splurged and filled the tank, knowing that I save a whole pocket full of pennies while doing my part to cause harmful emissions and empty the world’s reserve of petroleum. I’m a saver, so nobody will notice.

Then I returned books to the public library, two days early, saving yet another penalty that is measured in cents. Indeed, this is a propitious day. Finally, the van coasted to a stop outside Future Shop, where the taxation software I had not found on the weekend had arrived, at a bargain price of just cents under twenty dollars. Forget the added sales tax, as this is tax software. Karma. I leave the store content that I’ve actually saved a whole pile of pennies, because the publisher’s website has a value of pennies under thirty dollars (based on a page that is about a year out of of date, but why quibble). I’ve saved enough to go home and cut out a paper crown. Master shopper for today.

In fact, I’m waiting for a call from the media. Kids, don’t tie up the phone for too long.

This entry was posted on Tuesday, January 23rd, 2007 at 21:51 and is filed under economy, environment. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. | 286 words. Both comments and pings are currently closed.

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