The new kid on the block
The new kid on the block went to tour the neighbourhood today, and the neighbours were content. No more ridicule from one end of the country to the other about having elected “a pig in a poke”. Not all of the spectators were satisfied, though. In particular, the man that was responsible for the Bloc (no K needed).
Gilles Duceppe mentioned that he “deplored people that didn’t campaign”. Look, how many times in a lifetime can you get to Vegas? The girl went on a road trip. Worked out OK (for her). Gilles; not so much. With a party reduced to a table in a bridge party, times are going to be tough. No money, no love. The Orange Crush effect.
The various leaders were emphatic (during the campaign). Come May 3rd, the sleeves would be rolled up and the governance of the country would be Job One. A week later; not so much. I know, you have to give the former occupants of the offices on the Hill sufficient time to box up the belonging. In the real world, a pair of security guards would already have those boxes taped, and they’d be showing you the short route to the curb.
But the new kid did go out to see what a riding looks like, and that’s positive. Beats carrying a map to meetings (although that might be worth doing, until such time as familiarity starts to breed contempt.)
Now to get my kids interested in politics. Just because lightning does strike twice. Going from a minimum wage existence to a pay stub of $157,731 would be good for the morale.