A flip, not a flop
Forget the high waters in Australia. Forget the shake, shake, shake your booty ground in Chile. Locally, I had the chance to play with a new camera today. It’s all a question of perspective.
First of all, it’s not ours, exactly. We’re testing the product for use in a classroom. The Flip. The name has potential, and as for ease of use, it’s right up there with the spoon in the ice cream bowl. Supposed to be HD, although I need to get some special size of HDMI connector if I want to plug it straight into the TV. Tomorrow. I’ll put it on the shopping list, along with a mattress cover and some windshield wiper fluid. Priorities.
I saw myself (not a pretty sight), heard myself (that part I can deal with) and there was no physical pain involved. I’m not sure why we would need a family Flip, but I’m keeping an open mind.
Our overnight company came, stayed the night (hence the title), said goodbye and headed on down the highway. With no storms in sight, travel isn’t any harder than in mid-summer. I’m using this as a selling point for our eventual relocation to the east. You know, along the line of “We could come up to visit if we wanted/needed to”. After all, the kids aren’t committed to my follies, now that the age of majority is part of the acquired lifestyle toolkit.
In case you care, I made a dandy pot of soup this morning. Just enough. I was able to fit the leftovers into a slightly smaller Paderno, and there is space in the ‘fridge.