Keeping things in perspective
Nothing wrong with a hobby or twenty, right? We have to fill up those periods when we aren’t fulfilling the requirements of somebody else. Recreation, as in recess. Taking a moment to do something we like to do. Right now, I’m one of millions of bloggers – kind of like joining the track and field team except that you don’t have to run around in circles, or jump, or throw old spears.
Well, sometimes it takes a cartoon to start the day. I depend upon the Montreal Gazette, which is usually available on the top of the recycling bin when I arrive at the office each morning. Don’t ask where it finishes the day. And from time to time, the “big cartoon” talks to me (yes, they are easier to read then the others on the page). Check out this one.
The hair colours have been changed to protect the innocent (I am innocent, your honour). Check out the fact that I found two words that could be spelled in the American or British way in the previous sentence, just the way my grade seven grammar teacher showed us.
I’ve got more hobbies than available time, but one is never too early in preparing for life after work, right? Who knows what new tricks I will learn before I can say “Bye Bye Boss”? I think I’ll keep on practising, though.