Mixing too much yellow and red ruined the orange
If only more people took the time to experiment with crayons. Mix too much yellow and red, and your orange might not work; just check the final match of the 2010 World Cup tournament. Holland’s team received far too many yellow cards, and the addition of a red card may be the reason the final score went against them. Just sayin’…
I finally sat down and watched a full game. With company; estimates run as high as three billion spectators, world wide. I can’t get my head around it. My favourite player was the one dressed in pale blue, who seemed to be everywhere. Oh, wait… that was the referee. He’s in good shape, and at no point did he roll on the ground feigning injury. Every sport has it’s particularities; pretend injury is a big one in championship football (the non-American variety). Probably because in America, no soccer mom would allow behaviour like that.
I’ve got new shoes. Nothing fancy. Low end, budget running shoes that should last three years (based on the pair I’m about to lay to rest). Pretty good deal for $60. I wonder why the local sporting good store has nothing under $120 that would suffice?
The dog joined us on the patio this morning. After some urging, she took her place on the hammock, where she looked at ease, almost “right for the time and place”. When it came time, things turned silly. She didn’t feel secure on a bed that moved, so she howled for assistance with disembarcation. Time to get find a video camera and get some footage up on YouTube.