My ears are wide open in the online world
My sons have turned out to be valuable resource people for my (ongoing) musical education. No sense in leaving a parent in a rut, when there is so much that they can still learn; that’s the motto.
Seriously, though. I do find that my horizons are expanding, even as the wall of sound threatens to fall down and crush me, sometimes. Tonight, with one tab of the web browser firmly locked onto, son #2 did the daily maintenance required with a Facebook world that involves 400+ others. The choice of streamed music: David Rovics. In the jargon of the Face, “Like”. Maybe even “Become a fan”. Simply put, Mr. Rovics has a message, and without any need for fancy electrical pedal licks, he plays his guitar and sings to my conscience.
I’m also learning to mine the riches of Myspace. Heaven forbid that I ever post something in their jungle, but the music is readily available and the range of talent is extraordinary. Among recent notices, I have to mention Dani & Lizzy, Andy McKee, Kinnie Starr, Sarah McFadyen and Fiona Driver. They’re new to me. Throw in October Browne for good measure. Remember, I’m not out there looking; these just happened to catch my ear while the kids were surfing the TV between bursts of gunfire in their sampling of video games.
There’s a whole world of hiphop that son #2 is showcasing on his radio show, and I’ve learned not to ask stupid questions. My Newbie crown is still very shiny, and the depths of my ignorance are awe inspiring to those who take things seriously.