And murmuring voices are heard
My installs of Asterisk/TrixBox are becoming quite proficient, from repeated efforts. If only the configuration would follow in the rutted track. Like some demented bricklayer, I lay a foundation wall and then break it up to start over again. Each time, the wall is a bit straighter, a bit more level…
However, today marks the date when the box actually responded to IAX and SIP telephone software, and where the registration of Stanaphone worked.
I have a switchboard that doesn’t “go” anywhere just yet, but I can annoy other family members and leave voicemail messages to myself. Such is progress! I can soft-dial and hear the “ring” on another computer. I am starting to recognize the voicemail attendant, like a puppy with a new master.
Seriously, the whole home PBX idea is overkill. Still, every time I make it work just a little bit better there is a sense of achievement (virtual achievement counts too!) The endless pages of online guides make more sense. I will soon have a new chapter of acronyms mastered. Maybe I’ll even be able to telephone myself, real soon now!