31st July 2009

Hoist the flag

posted in travel |

Can you compare a newborn flag to the infants of other species? Yesterday, UPEI hoisted their new banner for the first time. I approve, and I hope that the public relations people will be mailing me one, soon.

Today we decided to play the tourist card and go for a self-charted tour of Holland College. Given the announcement of a huge expansion, it made sense to get in and see things as they are now. Not much like in my time, but I did find my way around the hallways without too much panic at getting hopelessly lost. Like any place that you don’t visit for decades, there was a certain dimensional shock.

If you are one of “those people” that glue or cut or sew or otherwise change the world around you in an artistic way, you probably know that there are stores that stock everything your heart might desire (at a price). For the rest of us, it can come as a shock to see just how much inventory can be crammed into a box. My spouse was in heaven, I was left with the realization that our extra income just found an outlet.

We have more cinnamon rolls, so the campground diet is back on track. I won’t starve over the upcoming long weekend. Forget good nutritional rules; if I live in a tent and watch campfire TV, there are certain derogations that will be permitted. I can go back to vegetables and proteins (beaucoup de proteins) in a few weeks time.

This entry was posted on Friday, July 31st, 2009 at 20:18 and is filed under travel. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. | 253 words. Both comments and pings are currently closed.

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