29th October 2023

Starting our winter watch

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This is the time of year when we watch the weather closely. And not just the local weather. What is happening elsewhere could make a difference here in a few days, so we’re always tuned into that part of life. No with winter just weeks away the RV has been winterized. This year I was just a bystander. I did in passing watch a video that came in from Oregon where they get hit with a Blizzard earlier this weekend. Like most snowstorms at this time of year the results will not last, but it was interesting to see how other people cope with it when camping is still a possibility. The person in the video had issues because they’re heated gone out, but they also had a dog which probably equals out in the end being several miles down a wooden trail meant to getting back to the main road involved some teamwork. Not exactly being towed but that could have happened. We don’t put winter shoes on our RV because, at this time of year we realize that going down a back road is akin to finding a new place to spend the winter. There was a brief power failure yesterday, so the clocks are blinking, and the temperature was unseasonably high. Summer weather at the wrong point in the year. I know that’s only a matter of weeks before we wake up to snow cover. The shovels are where I left them from last year and all that really remains outside is to put away the big green machine. We waited too long several years ago and had to push it through the snow for much longer distances then I would have wished. It may have fat tires but it has terrible traction. I am also getting ads for new tires. My fault. I must have looked at the video the wrong way. Once the industry finds out that you’re even a little bit interested they will go out of their way to tap you on the shoulder and say look what I have. I am not going to get into comparing several marks of tires. We will contact the local garage and get their advice because they do this for a living and that’s what they do best.

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