30th October 2023

Leave those marbles alone

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The first flurries have been sighted the myth that some rule last forever is gone Oh well. We did move the big green machine from down below to up above so I won’t have to push it through a snowdrift which is a good thing. I’m too old for such games. I made the mistake of watching a news broadcast today which brought with it the realization that our neighbors are not always on our side. The subject of the afternoon? A scheme by one of the problems is to take their marbles and go home. Do you remember back to and you played marbles and sometimes the pot would grow large? The child who would pocket all the winnings and head home was never liked by the others. That same thing would apply if one of the provinces decided that they were going to leave our pension fund take the cash and run. I suspect a lot of other people will be trying to trip them up as they go. I was even less surprised to find the seeds for this scheme came from men who used to be the Prime Minister. He was just like then and he will continue to be disliked because this is not someone who appreciates being part of a greater thing. I don’t believe he ever wanted to live in Canada. Anyhow, up to now, it’s just an idea being followed by people who are actuaries. And if they decide to take the cash the rest will just have to pony up a little more. Maybe we can get some ponies from a farm in the prairies. You know as part of our just compensation. As you can tell I know nothing of all this. I probably should have taken an intro economics course a long time ago. Now I am doomed to read recycled press reports without having the foundational knowledge that goes with it.

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