28th October 2023

Out for a walk

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As we move towards the end of the month, I felt the urge to quote side and check on the state of affairs. Look for changes around the property if you will. And there are a few. Our seven planting beds are now gone thanks to the efforts of a neighbour with the tractor. Will they be replaced? Who knows. I also verified my antenna system which stands in the middle of the trees out of harm’s way. A vertical for those who like to know about such things. And the antenna has been there for almost a decade after being transplanted from another province. It used to be that the wind would eventually make the little nuts and bolts go loose but that does not seem to have happened this time round. It might be the tree cover. Over by the RV all looks good. Our decision to pay for a pad which is a nice way to say a lot of expensive dirt means that the RV can park there out of view, while attached to shore power. A good move. We probably should travel more but other things get in the way. Right now we’re watching the temperature to see when the most opportune moment for winterization will occur. There was actually a message from a neighbour who wanted to know if we did that kind of thing for others. My own feeling is that we would be willing to help someone learn how to do it but as for taking on the responsibility for their expensive play toys, knowing that one false move could cause thousands of dollars of damage makes me want to abstain from getting involved. No two models are like and you have to read your own owners manual and you have to determine  by yourself where all the water runs out. There are videos that will help but unless you have too much money and too little time such problems are left best to the owner. For us this will be our second machine and we have figured out where the similarities lie. It all comes down to planning ahead. Do it before the winter comes and then sit back and wait with a good state of mind for Spring. Today is Cow Patty Bingo day where people bet on where a cow will leave a gift in the middle of a field. A rural thing and totally impossible to predict which is why people are willing to bet on the outcome. I did not go down to watch but I will wait for the news. Do we have a constipated bovine in the game?

This entry was posted on Saturday, October 28th, 2023 at 18:44 and is filed under Uncategorized. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. | 443 words. Both comments and pings are currently closed.

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