11th October 2023

Away for the winter

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The woman who lives down at the bottom of the lane has left for the winter. I know this only by inference. When she replaced the roof on her home this week, I thought that this was a sign that she was getting set for the long haul. But no. Instead, we received a phone call this morning that told us she was already at home across the border. And that we should not worry about the three propane tanks left at the top of the hill because they too would leave. And so, they have. A truck just stopped by and took them. And now I have so many questions. Where did the tanks go? Is there a gas tank bus that stops by and takes them off for the winter? Do they stay nice and warm? Obviously, my tanks do not leave. A rather large truck comes and fills some on an infrequent basis. Mind you, my tanks are large. It requires special equipment to move them around where is her case she simply grabs them puts them in the car and drives him up here. But with all those preparations why does she go away. Is it warmer elsewhere? Is she figuring that the snowfall will catch her off guard and keep her trapped down there for months on end? It could happen. I can see it now. Getting out to snowshoe to go looking for groceries. Like people did a century ago. There are differences I know it’s in time of my great grandparents they put the food down the well. At least i think it was down the well it was before my time. Maybe they had a deep basement. But, there were no verges to get groceries by snowshoe. We live in more modern Times Now. Except for the gas cylinders.

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