12th October 2023

The mayo not the mail

posted in Uncategorized |

For supper this evening I had a sandwich. To be fair I was offered a sandwich in preparation for the person in charge of the kitchen being away. And, proud of my own abilities I answered that I could probably handle that task. And I did. However there will be no photos. If you’ve been to a sandwich store you may have seen the term sandwich artist. In the right situation a sandwich can be a work of art. In my case it was something less. I had imagined the materials are available and they reacted inconsequence. I did slice my bread into roughly equal pieces. Length wise. And I did find the mayo and the cheese. One slice of prepared cheese. However, if you cut it carefully you can turn one larger piece into several smaller strips excellent for making a sandwich. I am not a total novice so I did give most of the mayo where it should go on the bread. And then, there was the meat. Prepared meat. Ham, possibly. In prepared packaging. Now I appreciate the efforts made by different Packers to keep their food away from the common person. If I had not found the scissors things could have gone much worse. My sandwich lacked variety. There were two kinds of cheese and there was ham and there was mayonnaise and there is bread. But nothing that will cause people to force me to open my own restaurant. It was, if you will a survival sandwich. I have eaten and I will not go to bed hungry but the next time I receive an offer for a properly made sandwich I will set my pride aside and go for something a little more if you will artistic. And as for other things like vegetables, well we won’t go there will we, this was a ham sandwich. I am so thankful there are no photos.

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