10th October 2023

Among my trivial pursuits

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I am a fervent fan of factoids. Those tiny Nuggets of knowledge that form the building blocks of many game shows. A pursuit of trivia for some or a moment of jeopardy for others. We get Our daily dose of jeopardy from streaming TV which means that we may be behind in terms of time but we always catch up. However I never seemed to win any of the big money. There is one thing that I find very distracting and I blame the host. He or she seems to find the need to make conversation with the guests. Contestants. And to do so questions are asked about what they were doing when they got the call. Unlike the majority of the questions on the game I cannot possibly know the answer to that question. Maybe they need to find a different way to distract. I am now starting to wonder if there is a huge database available online where I can just go Ann Reid old questions. With almost four decades of gameplay the library might be interesting and would certainly serve to elucidate. That is a trivial word. Or, is there a way that I can tap into the cash flow. I mean some of those answers that I give must be worth money somewheres in the universe. I will take dollars from another country if required. Do I keep a score? No after all this is just a game and if you were to see the number of questions I miss you and lose any belief that I know what I’m doing. There, a trivial factoid for you. Am I amazed at what I learn each day? Perhaps? I mean, I have no point of comparison. If my name was on the board it might seem more relevant. But I am just a spectator in a much larger game.

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