15th September 2023

A long line of line trucks

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Today you ran before the storm. More of a stroll really as we had plenty of time in our side full 24 hours according to the forecasts. And so we drove north away from where the wind will come ashore away from where the seas Will Rock and roll. Along the way there were things to notice. Technology mainly. A long procession of utility line trucks heading South. How many? I will go with scores and scores. More than I had ever seen on the road together at any one time. And for us it was easy. We had taken some food with us so there was no need for long pit stops. By the time late summer late supper time rolled around we were well into this city. Tonight we are sleeping in the street. Not literally. We’re in the RV parked in front of my son’s address. He is out of town but we did have the use of the coffee machine. And then we went out for supper. In a restaurant really. Do you know how long it takes to eat a salad with a fork when you cannot see what you’re packing at. Turns the meal into a leisurely activity. And i think i got all the good parts including the bacon in the bottom. Now we’re back in the RV pulling down the curtains getting ready to sleep in the street as I said. We have already checked with some of the neighbors and they don’t really care this is a city and there is thousands of people coming and going all the time. We are just another detail. We will see how long our stay lasts because right now it’s open-ended
This entry was posted on Friday, September 15th, 2023 at 21:07 and is filed under Uncategorized. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. | 287 words. Both comments and pings are currently closed.

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