16th September 2023

Blind disection

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We spent the whole day in the city, with family. And the only ones that seemed out of odds with it all were the two dogs who had no idea who we were or why we were there. I have learned that certain foods require a great deal of attention when you cannot see what you’re doing. Case in point a simple chicken breast which has a lot more corners and hidden pieces than people remember. I had to get let someone else go and search for the meat because on a white plate white meat looks all the same. We were in the city center twice. Much harder for me to know that where was that used to be. No street signs no familiar corners and no easy answers to questions that I had. Really a good thing that I was not responsible for navigation other than holding the inevitable phone with a map on it. We’re back now in the RV for second night of parking in the street. Hardly there were a young couple just behind the rig tonight when we got here and I have no idea what they were doing but I was told that one was dressed like a mouse. Go figure. Maybe it’s something that only happens here in the big city either haven’t seen that kind of thing in the country in a decade. Not much else else I can add. Pretty much time for me to go to sleep. In passing the house batteries did tough it through the night and we still had lights and water in the morning. A victory given our dependence on shore power.

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