14th September 2023

Chewy grapes

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No need to worry about me I am safe. The storm has not yet arrived which is the best reason for saying I am safe. Who knows where things will be in several days. I did spend the afternoon watching news TV which is a great place to learn that the world is about to come off the rails over and over again. Their reports are so brief and so willing to repeat the same tired line. The hurricane that is coming up from Bermuda will get here. Of that I am sure because otherwise all that valuable resource on the news channel was wasted. Outside we had some rain but now we have sun and darkness is coming. Just like any other day. In reality will go back on the road tomorrow and drive somewhere north of here. Out of the doom and gloom. And we will watch it from a distance by the same methods. A news channel somewheres. Do the announcers calm my spirit? no. I did learn that government has only so many ways they can use to control the economy and they will use them over and over and over again. It will not bring down the cost of housing or the cost of food or the cost of anything else but that’s what politics does for us. And what else of note question well my sandwich from yesterday still tasted good today so that’s a shout out to Subway who seems to have figured out how to put together food that will keep for a day in a fridge. As for a bag of grapes when they get close to freezing they get chewy. Just so you know.
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