Whose plan?
Every year, the same reacion: Look, that might be snow! It won’t stay just yet, but it brings all of the other items on the to do list into focus. Find your boots and mitts. Plaan to shift the tires. Find the scraper. Get timcets to a southern location (that one doesn’t happen in our family, but it could be a plan).
How do you deal with religious insanity? In NS, after a “multi-day gathering of faith groups”, there has been a sudden uptick in the Covid-19 count. I can deal with that consequence. Where I run into a real problem (call me faithless, if it helps in classifying my reactions) is the statement by the chief cook and bottle washer (aka “the minister”), who announced that this was all a part of God’s Pla n.
I want to see where that is written out. Don’t tell me that the Good Book gave you clearance. This lapse in reality came straight from your office (aka “the pulpit”. And in the absence of any other, better, proof… well, there should be Punishment. As in civil disobedience punishment. Don’t try to blame your imaginary friend. Such things aren’t acceptable from children in the schoolyard, and they shouldn’t be permitted in a sane society.
Oh, my bad. I did say sane. Let’s call this one by the r=proper name. “Cognitive dissonance”. As in, “bat shit crazy. The better part of society understands working terms like pandemic. So should those with imaginary friends and Good Books. And as for those who have fallen ill, or died… please put away the fairy tale reasoning and do better.