3rd September 2021

Rising seas and closing takeout windows

posted in food, Wx |

My holiday period is about to start, but it feels very much like the end of summer. School is open. Our visitors are (probably) done with us until next year. It feels chilly, if you are obliged to wait outside for even a few minutes (think fast food orders at a take-out window).

In fact, while stalking the wild scallop for my supper (nothing to do with an excellent book with a similar title) I noted that many of the local restaurants were announcing the end of their open season following this weekend. That qualifies as a sudden fall in to fall. They weren’t part of my regular meal plans all summer, so why should it be any different going forward?

I depend much less on the grills and deep fryers of others, as I get older. I must have absorbed the message about healthier eating.

It rained yesterday. A lot. Set a new record in the city, as the streets and designated parking lots went beneath the surface for several hours. What I find interesting is that the older generation are suddenly remembering that this is not a new phenomena; certain places have always moved from automobile to boat traffic, seamlessly. It’s just that there’s a newer, more affluent population, and they seem surprised to find their pricy ride now wet from stem to stern. As for any eventual repair costs, note that those same parking lots are marked as “park at your own risk” area. Not from robbery. Well folks, it won’t be better in the next decade, I fear.


This entry was posted on Friday, September 3rd, 2021 at 20:23 and is filed under food, Wx. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. | 259 words. Both comments and pings are currently closed.

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