A moonlight cruise needs moonlight
I am so easily distracted. Music history. In particular, when it covers a period that I actually survived. Watching a compilation of Canadian bands from the ‘70s and ‘80s; singing along and trying to recall if I actually saw them perform. I grew up in a small market, and all the good bands had to play somewhere. If it happened to be my high school gym, or the barn that served as a concert venue in university… I might have been there.
And of course, there’s more than one chapter. Decades of content to cover. I’m in a happy place, right now. Meanwhile, my BBQ supper went well, and I even remembered to cover things up. Hurricane alert gives one diligence.
With a national election campaign underway, I took the time to check on what I might receive if promises were kept. I’m old enough to take these things at less than face value, and realistically, there’s not much offered. If I don’t lose ground, that will have to do.
Storm Henri has come ashore, and now I wait to see how well things travel. Will the oomph be all spent by the time the rain starts (locally)? I don’t do forecasts.
Outside, it’s dark. Given that this was the evening for a moonlight kayak moment, I hope we get something less somber. I have this moment of insecurity; there’s no kayak lighthouse where the group is going, and simply pointing in one direction and hoping to hit shore doesn’t always end as planned. I’ll be anxious until the car comes back to base.