17th April 2021

Border closure

posted in health, history |

Another short small world story. This evening, on social media, I watched a report from many years ago about a world renowned author. What set the story apart from so many others was the detail that one of the author’s books had been translated and printed in Charlottetown. Now, I haven’t read the book, but her son lived on my floor in residence at that point, so it was an interesting detail for me. Your mileage will vary, of course.

The weather is chilly and very humid, which makes me want to dig out a big sweatshirt and just curl up until bedtime. We actually had flurries, earlier; big sticky ones that left the dog bewildered.

Right now, the borders to Ontario are closed (with that exemption given to essential travelers). The infection statistics are racing past the vaccinated statistics, due to months of prevarication on the part of a no-science premier. He takes direction from the owners of small business, who are terrified over any interruption to their cash flow. In other stories, that premier is now at a record low in popularity polls. If recall were a thing, he’d be on vacation.

We’re doing better, locally, although the very first hospitalization has been announced. No deaths, here, but with pressure to let the tourists come over, I fear for the future. The Magdalen Islands have decided that only residents will get passage on the new ferry for the next while. For anyone that believes the pandemic has run its course, I suggest opening your eyes to the real news stories. Ignore the anecdotes from your friends on social media.



This entry was posted on Saturday, April 17th, 2021 at 19:59 and is filed under health, history. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. | 268 words. Both comments and pings are currently closed.

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