25th October 2020

Time to pick some names

posted in health, pets |

Soon… the first weather forecast model for the season shows snow, within the week. No big stress, because that first bit rarely stays. Also, I have no place to go, so as long as I remember to get some food beforehand, it will just be a bookend to the season.

I’m starting to realize that it might be another season come and gone before I see the kids. We were there, last December, but this summer was aborted. I’m going to take it on faith that we’ll still recognize each other should things stretch through until the next year. I guess there’s always social media. Two centuries ago, when the kids left home, it might be for good. Too long a sea voyage to encourage trivial visiting.

And so, back to my daily routine. Right now, that involves three foxes that have decided we have the best take-away in the neighbourhood. Be it biscuits or eggs, we have found the way to their hearts. Guess we’ll need some names, soon.

Listening to the news; not something to do “for fun”. The pandemic counts are up, pretty much around the world. We were warned about the inevitability of a “second wave”. Now, we have to accept that science is allied with truth. I mean, I knew that, but there’s a whole lot of disbelievers out there. I hope, for their sake, that the health system will have strong enough loins to carry the extra loading. We really should have something to thwart idiocy. I mean, other than impending death. Did someone mention masks and social distancing?


This entry was posted on Sunday, October 25th, 2020 at 18:27 and is filed under health, pets. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. | 262 words. Both comments and pings are currently closed.

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