27th August 2020

A small dose of public exposure

posted in computing, politics |

Today, the dog and I went for a ride  (our first ride) in the new car. Not far, but I can no longer claim that I “haven’t been a passenger”. For the record, the difference between the older and the newer came down to tiny details. At least, according to the dog.

So, where did we go? Well, really not far. Over to the rail head, where a surprising number of folks had convened for a ceremonial ribbon cutting. Earlier, our community group had arranged for the purchase and installation of new playground equipment. And, since a large portion of the funding had come fro: the public purse, it was time to give the political class their moment of applause.

A small confession. I was supposed to have “shown the colours”, given the role of our group. My presence was sufficient. Left to their own devices, the representative with obvious political affiliations had no hesitation about seizing their moment in the sunlight. And with the ribbon duly destroyed, we were free to return home. About an hour, total. A civilized affair.

I am now trying to reboot my laptop. Have, actually, after some tinkering in the BIOS. I am not satisfied (too much secondary cutting and pasting of files, so I’m taking a second run. We’ll see how it goes.

There was a short power outage this afternoon; apparently a tree fell in the forest, and we all knew about it.  As well, we accepted a visit from an oversized puppy; she was fascinated by the foxes on the lawn.

And on TV, an older English mystery, with an older mysterious heroine. Wait! Isn’t that; yes! Emma Peel, now a 20’s era detective. How delightful!

This entry was posted on Thursday, August 27th, 2020 at 20:23 and is filed under computing, politics. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. | 280 words. Both comments and pings are currently closed.

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