My gassing game
Unexpected, those three power bumps during the supper hour. Not enough to trip the transfer switch, but enough for me to reset clocks in the kitchen. In other words, a nuisance.
This morning, I had another go at my gas game; went wonderfully. Leaves me curious about yesterday’s poor results. This is a big science experiment, until I get predictability. I celebrated by taking a photo of my “apparatus” and then using the image as the seed for a computerized jigsaw puzzle. Along the way, I read that the venerable jigsaw (the cardboard version in a box) are in short supply, what with so many people hanging around their homes. In a world where we are urged to be self-reliant for entertainment, is there anything better than a new jigsaw? Very improbable that a key piece is already missing.
Chatting with my cousin, in the big city who is now able to go for groceries without tripping an alarm. Unfortunately, the family car has been parked for weeks (a long story) and will not start. I suggested a deep-trunk search for booster cables. In a better world, cars would come with AT LEAST one cable per steering wheel. We’re not there, yet. Could this be a CAA plot?
In the mail, my new GPS antenna. Another gadget to experiment with, since the new SDR can tune frequencies up to around 2 GHz. Well within the correct frequency range. My thought is that if this antenna (really cheap, from China) can be used for anything else, I win. Fun for quiet evenings.