3rd January 2020

A lifetime of acceptable choices

posted in food, music |

Two things that have always been there: food and music. Now, my needs have varied, over the decades, but I’m fortunate. I’ve never had a long stretch with food I didn’t like, and the music has always come back around to something I appreciate.

Right now, I won’t speak to food (too close to meal time), but there has never been a better selection of songs available, on demand. Remember that period when music was on the local AM station for two hours, tops, each evening? When the next song could be compared to a box of crackerjacks, serving up popcorn, or dry peanuts, or a real prize? Yeah, me too. I’m top 40 old, I guess.

Anyhow, there’s been improvement. I can peruse my “personal library”, or call up online stations, or simply sit down to a buffet provided by YouTube. Familiar, unfamiliar, completely different. And that AI that tries to suggest things that I might like. All of it, on my schedule. Take that, DJ of yesteryear.

Now, back to food. I’m faced with leftovers from the last (few) meals, and the fervor has faded. Maybe I’ll go for a small plate of cheese and grapes. Pretend I’m at a fancy reception. Save on the dirty dishes. And when I am satiated, there’ll be more music. I tend to avoid mixing food and songs; call me reluctant to sing along while masticating madly.

Basement renos resumed, this afternoon. With luck, the plumbers will return, early in the week, and I’ll be able to check off the basement water works. Saved from the possibility of a self-induced flood.


This entry was posted on Friday, January 3rd, 2020 at 18:33 and is filed under food, music. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. | 265 words. Both comments and pings are currently closed.

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