Wild winds and wins
Want to watch a scary movie? Go ahead; choose one that deals with the business ethic (oxymoron, given that there isn’t one). On TV right now, something involving an effort to attach insurance liability to a series of shell companies. Or as I see it, playing “pin the tail on the donkey”. Not pretty, and not reassuring. I hope that I never have to call on my agent, because I now stand less “assured” of the outcome in any confrontation involving my loss and their money. Worse than politicians. Is it accidental that our latest aspirant to the prime-ministerial chair was a failed insurance agent?
Moving right along. A lovely day, outside. Quite a switch-up from last night’s breezes, which fell just short of the last hurricane in terms of speed and duration. I hadn’t taken my bin out to the road, as I didn’t want to extract it (or its contents) from either of the nearby ditches. Of course, the truck went by, early, and I now have another two weeks to guard a growing refuse store from the beasts that lurk in the dark.
I managed to reconfigure my Volumio receiver this afternoon. There had been a number of attempts, and it turns out that the key is to reset everything. Reformat the SD card. Reset the router. Allow startup to go by, slowly and cautiously. Eventually, Radio Caroline returned to the sound system, and I’ve filed these hints (here) for the next time.
We received an odd phone call, telling us that we had won a draw for (mystery…) at a campground we visited last May. Had to get the maps and GPS logs out to find the when and where. Now to call back.