Cut your losses and run
An officially hot day, here. It wouldn’t be a big thing, except that the A/C in our car crapped out a couple of days ago. Parked in the driveway, or on a three minute run for milk, within reason. During a three hour round trip to the city, we had to go old style: windows open around and roofwise. The dog seemed truly confused by the fresh air.
We have visitors, inbound. Including “tinies”, so we needed a suitable bed/playpen for a few days. My cousin has one, now that her tiny is upgraded to teeny, and we cut a deal. Go and get it…
My cousin was a witness to that big apartment building fire from last week, by virtue of it being in her back yard. She could have joined the bucket brigade, if that was still a thing. Anyhow, seeing all those homes now cindered serves to remind one. If the fire alarm goes off, don’t try to figure out if it was toast or a dead battery. Get out. With the plastics and glues in modern construction, your stay alive time is calculated in mere minutes. Also, the provincial fire marshal confirmed what we all knew: most of our big infernos are the fault of not much: mulch.
We then returned home. Sort of. Half of the household is camping, so there was taxi time involved. The big rig should come home tomorrow, and for tonight the dog and I can do whatever we want. Sleep. Eat ice cream. Big time partyers, we are.
I’d really like it if the electrician could make a mercy call, tomorrow, and complete the house A/C install. I can’t seek shelter in the car, so I’m ready to pay for a wire.