Just add winter and stir
Wednesday; or for those keeping score, the second snow day this week. Winter is an endurance sport, and if the roads are bad, you move to Plan B.
Triggered by a tweet, I decided to check out how the folks in the Shetland Islands get through the long nights before summer. Thanks to a video by the ever-drole Marjolein, I learned about a festival that lasts for three months: “Up Hella Aa”. Go ahead, watch it, and then try to convince me that we have a better take on winter.
Now, I don’t see any way to convince my neighbours. We already have endless Anne and a love of potatoes. I’d still enjoy watching a longboat burn down to the keel, as it headed for Cape Breton.
Finally! Faced with ongoing restrictions to our bridge, as the winds blow, certain bus lines and truck firms are saying what needs to be said. Our bridge should have been a tunnel. Many thought it would be, until the government of the day played the old bait-and-switch game. Yes, we voted for a fixed link. No, you didn’t say it would be up in the air, where the winds blow. Would the end cost have been different? Not by much, and all that soil (nine miles worth of it) could have been used to build better roads elsewhere. Instead, we got a concrete snake. And bragging rights: the longest bridge over ice-filled waters. Go ahead, put it on a tee and be done of it. Please, not on the license plate, though.