Parallel patterns
Trash talking: an art form, for some. Recently, in the aftermath of a (yet another) school shooting in FL, the students decided that “enough was enough”. They are protesting, in the way of their forefathers. Marches, petitions, social media. And in response, some of those who most abhor change are lashing out, telling anyone who will listen that these are “paid protesters”. I’ll leave you to follow up and draw your own conclusion.
But, there’s an interesting parallel. Back in 1957, in an effort to desegregate schools in AR, a group known as the “Little Rock Nine” received a transfer to another school in their district. The point is that fully sixty years ago, those who most abhorred change lashed out, telling anyone that would listen that these were “paid protesters”. Again, I’ll leave you to follow up.
Funny how history repeats itself (and we still don’t pay attention).
Happened across another “repeat”; the US has drawn their border lines with a new, wide marker. Fully 100 miles inside the line, the border patrol is now stopping traffic of all sorts and “checking papers”. Although I am unclear of just how it works, they’re also verifying who belongs, on our side of the line. Almost a meme, to see figures of authority checking credentials. Shades of a bygone era, in a much darker regime. Until sanity is restored, walk cautiously. We can’t all be citizens of the “most greatest nation”, but neither should we face imprisonment because we can’t. And Government of Canada, could you check on the sovereign status of the True North Strong And Free. Now.