Waiting for the rains
Busy day. Two meetings. With my luck, I’ll be awake half the night, simply rehashing all the things from my day of community service.
The morning was dedicated to administrative details. We may be volunteers, but there are two small businesses that require our oversight. The line between success and failure is thin; if we don’t apply due diligence, a dozen people are suddenly unemployed. No major decisions were made, today, but I have a week of document production ahead. Trying to bring order into a group of seasonal employees is a bit like herding cats.
After a quick stop for milk and flour, I headed home to prepare for the afternoon. This time around, a solid session of community history research. A bigger group than other months, and some new faces. There’s a book in production; almost ready to launch. Just requires a bit of proof reading, to keep the literate from getting edgy. I’m probably going to go back to red pen on paper, as the editor doesn’t want to use electronic documents. So be it.
And now I’m home. Curling on TV. Emails to file. Me debating if an early bedtime would really change things (see paragraph one). We’re on another weather watch, this time for extended rain. This will assure that snow shoes are not going to be on my feet, any time soon. I had actually “shopped” for a new pair, and now my social media is getting steady targeted advertising. Don’t they realize that my attention to dazzle is numbed after all these years?